"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

Monday, October 4, 2010

Frostbitten - Chapter Seventeen

He had left them again.

Hermes sprawled out on his hotel bed, staring up at the white ceiling.  White, like snow.  Jack.  Oh, Jack...

Why did he always end up leaving him?  His apprentice, practically his son in all but blood.  He had raised Jack from Legendary, if not literal, infancy.  Tried to change him.  And it had seemed like it worked... for a while.

Zeus was right, Hermes thought.  Even a reformed thief should never try to raise a child. 

Much less an immortal child with a conscience the size of a marble.

Hermes thought about going back to the hospital, but Holly would probably rip his throat out.  If she didn’t, that other woman – Bianca – would.  And even if he survived the two banshees, Jack wouldn’t want to see him.

Sighing, Hermes rolled over onto his side.  I don’t blame you, Jack.  I really don’t blame you.

He closed his eyes.  A split second later, the hotel window exploded inward.

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