"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein

Monday, October 4, 2010

Frostbitten - Chapter Twelve

“Oh, fire-flares,” Bianca cursed quietly when they entered the hospital room.

Holly slipped past the younger pixie and went to Jack’s side.  He hadn’t moved an inch, but his face and fingers twitched in agitation.  Passing a hand over his lukewarm forehead, Holly looked back at Bianca.  “I told you.”

Bianca ordered her two bodyguards – the same guys Holly had frozen – to stay outside, then came in and closed the door behind her.  She padded to Holly’s side.  “What happened?”

Holly told her to story.  When she finished, Bianca lowered herself to the edge of the bed.  She put a hand on Jack’s chest, and Holly bristled.  Bianca didn’t seem to notice.  “What has the hospital done?”

“Nothing,” Holly said, glaring at Bianca’s hand.  “He’s healthy, but in a coma.  They don’t know what to do.”

Bianca shook her head.  “I’ll see if I can bring in a royal physician,” she said, “but I doubt they’ll know.”


Bianca glanced at Holly again.  “I will,” she said with a little more snappishness.  “I care more about him than you do.”

Holly bridled.  “Don’t even start that argument.”

“You dragged him into every war he started,” Bianca snapped, standing.  “All of it was for you.  By you.”

“He did it all himself,” Holly said.  “I helped.  But I didn’t make him.”

“You ruined his life!” Bianca hissed.

Holly balled her fists.  “I didn’t see him suffering any time but now!”

“I would bet anything on the assumption that what he’s going through right now is because of those wars!  And he started those wars for you!”

“I don’t even know what you’re trying to say by that—“

Jack moaned.  Both women snapped their gazes to him.  Holly tried to loosen the tenseness in her shoulders, but it didn’t work.  Not with Jack’s face twisted in pain.

Holly looked back at Bianca.  Her face was even paler than normal, and she twisted her fingers together until the skin wrinkled.  “You said he was comatose,” she whispered.

“He was.” Holly closed her eyes, got a grip on her emotions, and then turned to Bianca.  “Go get the physicians, will you?  They need to get here.”

“I don’t take orders from you.” Bianca’s voice sounded low and husky.  She pushed her shoulders back and aimed a poisonous glare at Holly.  “I’m doing this for Jack Frost.  Not you.”

“Duh.” Holly sat on the bed edge and took Jack’s hand in hers.

Bianca pursed her lips, stalked to the door, and threw it open.  “Wynn!” she barked at one of her bodyguards.  “I want an audience with the Queen and her physicians.  Now.”

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